Kara Ann Hyde was born on September 12, 2004. She was seven pounds and two ounces. She was born at 11:10am on a sunny Sunday morning. She was a swollen beautiful baby! I took her home 2 days later. She was an angel. The first night I had her home she slept for fifteen hours. I put her to bed at 8pm and she didn't wake up until 11am the next morning. I woke up that morning and asked my mom if Kara was awake yet. She said "she hasn't heard a peep out of her." I thought that was really strange. Kara didn't want to wake up and eat during the night. I went into her room and looked in her crib. She was sleeping soundly, I woke her up and fed her. At the time I didn't think anything of it.
Kara is now five years old. For our family it has been a long five years. I personally have had my ups and downs, so has Kara. Kara was diagnosed with severe Autism at the age of two. When she was diagnosed she hadn't walked yet. Not only did we or do we have the challenge of her developmental delays, she also has physical delays. She was slow physically at rolling over, sitting up, crawling, and walking. She was way behind in those areas. She did eventually sit up, crawl and walk. She walks on her tippy toes, and has a week limp to her walk, but she has grown tremendously over the years.
I want you to follow us on her journey. I want to help you better understand Kara, and Autism.
This last weekend was one of those weekends. We didn't have the luxury of the therapist, or babysitters coming. It was long and rough. Kara learned how to get out of her bed and open her door. I know what you are thinking, that is GREAT! It is a great milestone for her. The only problem is we can't explain to her to go back to bed, or it is bed time. She just continues to get out of bed. At one point I had to lay in on her floor and push her feet back in her bed for 30 minutes until she fell asleep. That trick did work!!
ReplyDeleteThe one thing I hate is when she poops. It wouldn't be so bad if she were to keep her pants up, but after she poops she pulls down her pants and takes them off. Which leaves me with poop on my floor, and at times all over Kara. That is the WORST! It is like she knows it doesn't belong in her pants, but she just doesn't know what to do with it.
Kara did cuddle with us in our bed during the day. Dan always wants to cuddle with her, but she moves and can't hold still, and she won't lay down for very long. This last weekend she laid in our bed with us and cuddled. It was cute. We have to lightly tickle her arms and legs, but she laid there and signed for tickle over and over, for at least thirty minutes.
Wow Tina, I had no idea you had a little girl with Autism. I can't even imagine what life if like for you and Kara. What kind of treatment does she get?
ReplyDeleteI love my niece Kara! I remember when Kara was a baby. Kara would not respond much. I would talk in her ear to see if Kara would respond. I thought maybe she had a hearing problem. Tina and Dan are wonderful parents!! They love Kara and fight hard for her care and therapy in school! I admire Tina's strength and ability to accept Kara and who Kara is! I am so excited and grateful to Daniel Charles for adopting Kaleb and Kara (it's official tomorrow Jan 26th!) Dan loves Kaleb and Kara deeply. :) Kara has a great older brother Kaleb, he helps out and is so loving to Kara!
Wow! This is an amazing blog! My niece also has Autism.. not as severe. You are such a strong wonderful mom! Tina, I just love ya. I hope things are getting easier day by day for you guys and Kara :)